Birthday Definition - Single Letterpress Card
Noun | birth-day | \’bǝrth-dā\
1. The painful realization that the universe has conspired against you once again by hurling you through time and space on a globe spinning at 1,040 miles per hour, only to land in front of a flaming piece of sponge cake with your name spelled out in artificial blue frosting.
2. A special occasion marking the day of your birth"
The original Hat+Wig+Glove card line offers something mildly offensive for almost everyone you know.
- Blank interior
- 1-color letterpress
- Grey cotton paper card
- White envelope
The Hat+Wig+Glove Co., the brain-child of Ron Rich, is a bumper sticker company, disguised as a greeting card company, disguised as a hat, wig and glove company. They employ reverse psychology, semiotics and aspartame to cook up a tasty little stew of sloganeering then print them on greetings cards. All their products are letterpress printed on vintage letterpress machines in their studio in the Pearl District of Portland, Oregon.
Size: 3.5 x 5"